Source code for easy_mpl._scatter

__all__ = ["scatter"]

from typing import Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .utils import to_1d_array, process_axes

[docs]def scatter( x, y, colorbar: bool = False, colorbar_orientation: str = "vertical", marker_labels: Union[list, np.ndarray] = None, text_kws : dict = None, xoffset = 0.1, yoffset = 0.1, ax: plt.Axes = None, ax_kws:dict = None, show: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[plt.Axes, mpl.collections.PathCollection]: """ scatter plot between two arrays x and y Parameters ---------- x : list, array data for x-axis y : list, array data for y-axis colorbar : bool, optional whether to show the color bar or not colorbar_orientation : str, optional orientation of colorbar. Only relevant if ``colorbar`` is True marker_labels : list, array labels to annotate each marker. If given, each value must correspond to respective values in x,y arrays text_kws : dict only relevant if ``marker_labels`` are provided. xoffset : float yoffset : float ax : plt.Axes, optional :obj:`matplotlib.axes`, if not given, current available axes will be used ax_kws : dict (default=None) any keyword arguments for processing of axes which will be forwarded to :func:`easy_mpl.utils.prcess_axis` show : bool, optional (default=True) whether to show the plot or not **kwargs : optional any additional keyword arguments for :obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter` Returns -------- tuple : A tuple whose first member is :obj:`matplotlib.axes` and second member is :obj:`matplotlib.collections.PathCollection` Examples -------- >>> from easy_mpl import scatter >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> x_ = np.random.random(100) >>> y_ = np.random.random(100) >>> scatter(x_, y_, show=False) ... # show colorbar >>> scatter(x_, y_, colorbar=True, show=False) ... # retrieve axes for further processing >>> axes, _ = scatter(x_, y_, show=False) >>> assert isinstance(axes, plt.Axes) See :ref:`` for more examples """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if 'figsize' in kwargs: figsize = kwargs.pop('figsize') ax.figure.set_size_inches(figsize) x = to_1d_array(x) y = to_1d_array(y) #if colorbar: # if 'c' not in kwargs and 'color' not in kwargs: # kwargs['c'] = np.arange(len(x)) sc = ax.scatter(x, y, **kwargs) if marker_labels is not None: y = y.reshape(-1,) _text_kws = {} if text_kws is not None: _text_kws.update(text_kws) for i, txt in enumerate(marker_labels): ax.annotate(txt, (x[i] + xoffset, y[i] + yoffset), **_text_kws) if colorbar: fig: plt.Figure = ax.get_figure() fig.colorbar(sc, ax=ax, orientation=colorbar_orientation, pad=0.1) if ax_kws: process_axes(ax=ax, **ax_kws) if show: return ax, sc