Source code for easy_mpl._lollipop

__all__ = ["lollipop_plot"]

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .utils import is_rgb
from .utils import to_1d_array, process_axes

[docs]def lollipop_plot( y, x=None, orientation: str = "vertical", sort: bool = False, line_style: str = '-', line_color: str = 'cyan', line_width: int = 1, line_kws: dict = None, marker_style: str = 'o', marker_color: str = 'teal', marker_size: int = 30, marker_kws: dict = None, ax: plt.Axes = None, ax_kws:dict = None, show: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> plt.Axes: """ Plot a lollipop plot. Parameters ---------- y : array_like, shape (n,), optional The y-coordinates of the data points. x : array_like, shape (n,) The x-coordinates of the data points. orientation : str, optional The orientation of the lollipops. Either "vertical" or "horizontal". sort : bool, optional Whether to sort the data points by their values or not. Only valid if `x` is not specified. line_style : str, optional The line style of the data points. line_color : str, optional The line color of the data points. line_width : float, optional The line width of the data points. line_kws : dict, optional The keyword arguments for the line. These arguments are passed to `matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`_. marker_style : str, optional The marker style of the data points. marker_color : str, optional The marker color of the data points. marker_size : float, optional The marker size of the data points. marker_kws : dict, optional The keyword arguments for the marker. These arguments are passed to `matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter`_. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional The axes to plot on. If not given, current available axes will be used. ax_kws : dict, optional any keyword arguments for :py:func:`easy_mpl.utils.process_axes`. show : bool, optional (default=True) whether to show the plot or not **kwargs : optional Additional keyword arguments to pass to the process_axis function. Returns ------- plt.Axes : The axes on which the plot was drawn. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from easy_mpl import lollipop_plot >>> y = np.random.randint(0, 10, size=10) ... # vanilla lollipop plot >>> lollipop_plot(y, title="vanilla") ... # use both x and y >>> lollipop_plot(y, np.linspace(0, 100, len(y)), title="with x and y") ... # use custom line style >>> lollipop_plot(y, line_style='--', title="with custom linestyle") ... # use custom marker style >>> lollipop_plot(y, marker_style='D', title="with custom marker style") ... # sort the data points before plotting >>> lollipop_plot(y, sort=True, title="sort") ... # horzontal orientation of lollipops >>> y = np.random.randint(0, 20, size=10) >>> lollipop_plot(y, orientation="horizontal", title="horizontal") See :ref:`` for more examples .. _matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot: .. _matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter: """ if ax_kws is None: ax_kws = dict() if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if 'figsize' in ax_kws: figsize = ax_kws.pop('figsize') ax.figure.set_size_inches(figsize) y = to_1d_array(y) if sort: idx = np.argsort(y) y = y[idx] assert x is None if isinstance(line_color, (list, np.ndarray, tuple)): if is_rgb(line_color[0]) or isinstance(line_color[0], str): line_color = np.array(line_color)[idx] if x is None: x = np.arange(len(y)) x = to_1d_array(x) marker_kws = marker_kws or {} line_kws = line_kws or {} if orientation == "vertical": _lollipop_vertical(ax, x, y, line_style, line_color, line_width, line_kws, marker_style, marker_color, marker_size, marker_kws) else: _lollipop_horizontal(ax, x, y, line_style, line_color, line_width, line_kws, marker_style, marker_color, marker_size, marker_kws) if ax_kws and kwargs: process_axes(ax=ax, **ax_kws, **kwargs) if show: return ax
def _lollipop_vertical(ax, x, y, line_style, line_color, line_width, line_kws, marker_style, marker_color, marker_size, marker_kws): if isinstance(marker_color, str) and marker_color in plt.colormaps(): marker_kws['cmap'] = marker_color else: marker_kws['color'] = marker_color ax.scatter(x, y, marker=marker_style, s=marker_size, **marker_kws) if line_color in plt.colormaps(): line_kws['cmap'] = line_color else: line_kws['color'] = line_color ax.vlines(x, np.zeros(len(x)), y, linestyle=line_style, linewidth=line_width, **line_kws) return ax def _lollipop_horizontal(ax, x, y, line_style, line_color, line_width, line_kws, marker_style, marker_color, marker_size, marker_kws): ax.scatter(y, x, marker=marker_style, color=marker_color, s=marker_size, **marker_kws) ax.hlines(x, np.zeros(len(y)), y, color=line_color, linestyle=line_style, linewidth=line_width, **line_kws) return ax