Source code for easy_mpl._dumbell

__all__ = ["dumbbell_plot"]

from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines as mlines

from .utils import is_rgb
from .utils import make_clrs_from_cmap
from .utils import to_1d_array, process_axes
from ._scatter import scatter

[docs]def dumbbell_plot( start, end, labels=None, line_color = None, start_marker_color = None, end_marker_color = None, start_kws: dict = None, end_kws: dict = None, line_kws: dict = None, sort_start:str = None, sort_end:str = None, ax: plt.Axes = None, ax_kws:dict = None, show: bool = True ) -> Tuple[plt.Axes, mpl.collections.PathCollection, mpl.collections.PathCollection]: """ Dumbell plot which indicates variation of several variables from start to end. Parameters ---------- start : list, array, series an array consisting of starting values end : list, array, series an array consisting of end values labels : list, array, series, optional names of values in start/end arrays. It is used to label ticklabcls on y-axis line_color : color for lines. This can be a color name, rbg value, array of rbg values for each marker or a color palette name. This can be used to have separate color for a each line. start_marker_color : color for starting markers. This can be a color name, rbg value, array of rbg values for each marker or a color palette name. This can be used to have separate color for a each marker. end_marker_color : color for end markers. T This can be a color name, rbg value, array of rbg values for each marker or a color palette name. his can be used to have separate color for a each marker. start_kws : dict, optional any additional keyword arguments for :py:func:`easy_mpl.utils.scatter` to modify start markers such as ``color``, ``label`` etc end_kws : dict, optional any additional keyword arguments for :py:func:`easy_mpl.utils.scatter` to modify end markers such as ``color``, ``label`` etc line_kws : dict, optional any additional keyword arguments for `lines.Line2D`_ to modify line style/color which connects dumbbells. sort_start : str (default=None) either "ascend" or "descend" sort_end : str (default=None) either "ascend" or "descend" ax : plt.Axes, optional matplotlib axes object to work with. If not given then currently available axes will be used. ax_kws : dict optional any keyword arguments for :py:func:`easy_mpl.utils.process_axes`. show : bool, optional whether to show the plot or not Returns ------- axes : :obj:`matplotlib.axes` matplotlib axes object on which dumbells are drawn st_pc : :obj:`matplotlib.collections.PathCollection` en_pc : :obj:`matplotlib.collections.PathCollection` Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from easy_mpl import dumbbell_plot >>> st = np.random.randint(1, 5, 10) >>> en = np.random.randint(11, 20, 10) >>> dumbbell_plot(st, en) ... # modify line color >>> dumbbell_plot(st, en, line_kws={'color':"black"}) See :ref:`` for more examples .. _lines.Line2D: """ if ax_kws is None: ax_kws = dict() if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if 'figsize' in ax_kws: figsize = ax_kws.pop('figsize') ax.figure.set_size_inches(figsize) # convert starting and ending values to 1d array start = to_1d_array(start) end = to_1d_array(end) index = np.arange(len(start)) assert len(start) == len(end) == len(index) if labels is None: labels = np.arange(len(index)) _line_kws = {'color': 'skyblue'} if line_kws is not None: _line_kws.update(line_kws) line_colors = _get_color(line_color, _line_kws, len(start)) # assigning colors _start_kws = {'color': '#a3c4dc', "label": "Start"} if start_kws: _start_kws.update(start_kws) _end_kws = {'color': '#0e668b', "label": "End"} if end_kws: _end_kws.update(end_kws) st_mc_colors = _get_color(start_marker_color, _start_kws, len(start)) en_mc_colors = _get_color(end_marker_color, _end_kws, len(start)) if sort_start: start, end, labels, line_colors, st_mc_colors, en_mc_colors = _handle_sort( sort_start, start, start, end, labels, line_colors, st_mc_colors, en_mc_colors) elif sort_end: start, end, labels, line_colors, st_mc_colors, en_mc_colors = _handle_sort( sort_end, end, start, end, labels, line_colors, st_mc_colors, en_mc_colors) # draw line segment def line_segment(p1, p2, axes, color): l = mlines.Line2D([p1[0], p2[0]], [p1[1], p2[1]], color=color, **_line_kws) axes.add_line(l) return # joining points together using line segments for (_idx, idx), _p1, _p2 in zip(enumerate(index), end, start): line_segment([_p1, idx], [_p2, idx], ax, color=line_colors[_idx]) # circles are plotted after line so that lines don't enter inside the circles # plotting points for starting and ending values ax, st_paths = scatter(y=index, x=start, show=False, ax=ax, color=st_mc_colors, **_start_kws) ax, en_paths = scatter(y=index, x=end, ax=ax, show=False, color=en_mc_colors, **_end_kws) ax.legend() # set labels ax.set_yticks(index) ax.set_yticklabels(labels) if ax_kws: process_axes(ax=ax, **ax_kws) # show plot if show=True if show: return ax, st_paths, en_paths
def _get_color(sugg_clr, kws, n)->list: if sugg_clr is None: colors = [kws['color'] for _ in range(n)] elif isinstance(sugg_clr, str): if sugg_clr in plt.colormaps(): # todo # this will result in wrong colorbar if these colors are used # in for plot/scatter colors = make_clrs_from_cmap(sugg_clr, n, 0.1, 0.9) else: # 'k' colors = [sugg_clr for _ in range(n)] elif is_rgb(sugg_clr): colors = [sugg_clr for _ in range(n)] else: assert hasattr(sugg_clr, '__len__') and len(sugg_clr) == n, f"Invalid color {sugg_clr}" colors = sugg_clr kws.pop('color') return colors def _handle_sort(sort_type, sort_wrt, start, end, labels, line_colors, st_mc_clr, en_mc_clr): assert sort_type in ["ascend", "descend"] if sort_type == "ascend": sort_idx = np.argsort(sort_wrt) else: sort_idx = np.flip(np.argsort(sort_wrt)) start = np.array(start)[sort_idx] end = np.array(end)[sort_idx] labels = np.array(labels)[sort_idx] if not isinstance(line_colors, str): line_colors = np.array(line_colors)[sort_idx] if not isinstance(st_mc_clr, str): st_mc_clr = np.array(st_mc_clr)[sort_idx] if not isinstance(en_mc_clr, str): en_mc_clr = np.array(en_mc_clr)[sort_idx] return start, end, labels, line_colors, st_mc_clr, en_mc_clr