Source code for easy_mpl._circular_bar_plot

__all__ = ["circular_bar_plot"]

import random
import warnings
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .utils import _rescale
from .utils import BAR_CMAPS
from .utils import to_1d_array, make_cols_from_cmap, process_axes
from .utils import map_array_to_cmap

[docs]def circular_bar_plot( data, labels: list = None, sort:bool =False, color: Union[str, list, np.ndarray] = None, label_format: str = None, min_max_range: tuple = None, label_padding: int = 4, figsize: tuple = None, text_kws: dict = None, colorbar:bool = False, ax:plt.Axes = None, ax_kws: dict = None, show: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> plt.Axes: """ Plot a circular bar plot. Parameters ---------- data : list, np.ndarray, pd.Series, dict Data to plot. If it is a dictionary, then its keys will be used as labels and values will be used as data. labels : list, optional Labels for each data point. sort : bool, optional Sort the data by the values. color : str, list, np.ndarray, optional Color for each data point. It can be a single color or a colormap from plt.colormaps. label_format : str, optional Format for the labels. min_max_range : tuple, optional Minimum and maximum range for normalizing the data. label_padding : int, optional space between the labels and the bars. figsize : tuple, optional Size of the figure. text_kws : dict, optional (default=None) keyword arguments for axes.text() colorbar : bool (default=False) whether to show the colorbar or not ax : plt.Axes (default=None) matplotlib axews with polar projections ax_kws : optional Additional keyword arguments to pass to the :py:func:`easy_mpl.utils.process_axes`. show : bool, optional (default=True) Show the plot. **kwargs go to :obj:`` Returns ------- :obj:`matplotlib.axes` Axes of the plot. See :ref:`` for more examples Note ---- If nan values are present in the data, they will be ignored. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from easy_mpl import circular_bar_plot >>> data = np.random.random(50, ) ... # basic >>> circular_bar_plot(data) ... # with names >>> names = [f"{i}" for i in range(50)] >>> circular_bar_plot(data, names) ... # sort values >>> circular_bar_plot(data, names, sort=True) ... # custom color map >>> circular_bar_plot(data, names, color='viridis') ... # custom min and max range >>> circular_bar_plot(data, names, min_max_range=(1, 10), label_padding=1) ... # custom label format >>> circular_bar_plot(data, names, label_format='{} {:.4f}') """ text_kws = text_kws or {} if ax is None: plt.close('all') plt.figure(figsize=figsize or (7, 10)) ax = plt.subplot(111, polar=True) else: assert == "polar" plt.axis('off') if hasattr(data, "values") and hasattr(data, "columns"): values = data.values elif isinstance(data, dict): values = np.array(list(data.values())) labels = labels or list(data.keys()) else: data = to_1d_array(data) values = data if labels is None: labels = ['' for _ in range(len(values))] label_format = label_format or "{} {:.2f}" else: label_format = label_format or "{}: {:.2f}" # remove nan values val_nan_idx = np.isnan(values) if val_nan_idx.any(): values = values[~val_nan_idx] labels = [labels[i] for i in range(len(labels)) if not val_nan_idx[i]] mapper = None if color is None: #color = make_cols_from_cmap(random.choice(BAR_CMAPS), len(values), 0.2, 0.9) color, mapper = map_array_to_cmap(values, random.choice(BAR_CMAPS)) elif isinstance(color, str) and color in plt.colormaps(): #color = make_cols_from_cmap(color, len(values), 0.2) color, mapper = map_array_to_cmap(values, color) else: color = color assert len(values) == len(labels) min_max_range = min_max_range or (30, 100) lower_limit = min_max_range[0] heights = _rescale(values.reshape(-1, 1), lower_limit, min_max_range[1]).reshape(-1, ) if sort: sort_idx = np.argsort(heights) heights = heights[sort_idx] labels = [labels[i] for i in sort_idx] values = values[sort_idx] if not isinstance(color, str): color = color[sort_idx] # Compute the width of each bar. In total we have 2*Pi = 360° width = 2 * np.pi / len(heights) # Compute the angle each bar is centered on: indexes = list(range(1, len(heights) + 1)) angles = [element * width for element in indexes] _bar_kws = {'linewidth': 2, 'edgecolor': 'white', 'color': color} if kwargs: _bar_kws.update(kwargs) # Draw bars bars = x=angles, height=heights, width=width, bottom=lower_limit, **_bar_kws ) # Add labels for bar, angle, label, val in zip(bars, angles, labels, values): label = label_format.format(label, val) # Labels are rotated. Rotation must be specified in degrees :( rotation = np.rad2deg(angle) # Flip some labels upside down if angle >= np.pi / 2 and angle < 3 * np.pi / 2: alignment = "right" rotation = rotation + 180 else: alignment = "left" # Finally add the labels ax.text( x=angle, y=lower_limit + bar.get_height() + label_padding, s=label, ha=alignment, va='center', rotation=rotation, rotation_mode="anchor", **text_kws ) if colorbar: if mapper: fig: plt.Figure = ax.get_figure() cbar = fig.colorbar(mapper, ax=ax, orientation='horizontal')'both', labelsize=16) else: warnings.warn(f"For single color, colorbar does not make sense!") if ax_kws: process_axes(ax, **ax_kws) if show: return ax