Source code for easy_mpl._bar

__all__ = ["bar_chart"]

import random
from typing import Union, List

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import KeysView, ValuesView

from .utils import is_rgb
from .utils import BAR_CMAPS
from .utils import process_axes
from .utils import create_subplots
from .utils import is_series, is_dataframe
from .utils import to_1d_array, map_array_to_cmap, deprecated_argument

[docs]@deprecated_argument(values="data") def bar_chart( data, labels=None, orient:str = 'h', sort:bool = False, max_bars:int = None, errors = None, color=None, cmap: Union[str, List[str]] = None, rotation:int = 0, bar_labels: Union[list, np.ndarray] = None, bar_label_kws=None, share_axes: bool = True, width = None, ax:plt.Axes = None, ax_kws: dict = None, show:bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Union[plt.Axes, List[plt.Axes]]: """ plots bar chart Parameters ----------- data : array like array like e.g. list/numpy array/ pandas series/ pandas dataframe / tuple alias for "values". labels : list, optional used for labeling each bar orient : `str`, optional orientation of bars. either 'h' or 'v' sort : bool, optional (default=None) whether to sort the bars based upon their values or not max_bars: int, optional (default=None) maximum number of bars to show errors : list, optional for error bars color : bool, optional (default=None) color for bars. It can any color value valid for matplotlib. cmap : str, optional (default=None) matplotlib colormap rotation : int, optional rotation angle of ticklabels bar_labels : list labels of the bars bar_label_kws : dict keyword arguments for :obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.bar_label` share_axes : bool (default=True) only relevant if given array is 2 dimentional. In such a case, this refers to whether to draw two bar charts on same axes or on two separate axes width : float width of the bars ax : :obj:`matplotlib.axes`, optional If not given, current available axes will be used ax_kws : dict, optional any keyword arguments for processing of axes that will go to :py:func:`easy_mpl.utils.process_axes` show : bool, optional whether to show the plot or not **kwargs : any additional keyword arguments for :obj:`` or :obj:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.barh` Returns -------- :obj:`matplotlib.axes` matplotlib Axes or list of matplotlib Axes on which the bar_chart is drawn. If ``show`` is False, this axes can be used for further processing Examples -------- >>> from easy_mpl import bar_chart >>> bar_chart([1,2,3,4,4,5,3,2,5]) specifying labels >>> bar_chart([3,4,2,5,10], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']) sorting the data >>> bar_chart([1,2,3,4,4,5,3,2,5], sort=True) multiple bar charts >>> bar_chart(np.random.randint(0, 10, (5, 2)), color=['salmon', 'cadetblue']) See :ref:`` for more examples """ if labels is None: if is_series(data) or is_dataframe(data): labels = data.index naxes = 1 ncharts = 1 if is_1d(data): values = to_1d_array(data) else: values = np.array(data) ncharts = values.shape[1] if share_axes: kwargs['edgecolor'] = kwargs.get('edgecolor', 'k') else: naxes = values.shape[1] colors = get_color(cmap, color, ncharts, values) figsize = None if 'figsize' in kwargs: figsize = kwargs.pop('figsize') if sort: assert ncharts == 1, f""" sorting is not allowed for more than 1 charts. ncharts are {ncharts}""" ax = maybe_create_axes(ax, naxes, figsize=figsize) if ncharts == 1: values, labels, bar_labels, colors = preprocess(values, labels, bar_labels, sort, max_bars, colors[0]) ind = np.arange(len(values)) bar_on_axes(ax[0], orient=orient, ax_kws=ax_kws, ind=ind, values=values, width=width, ticks=ind, labels=labels, color=colors, bar_labels=bar_labels, rotation=rotation, errors=errors, bar_label_kws=bar_label_kws, kwargs=kwargs) elif share_axes: ind = np.arange(len(values)) # the label locations width = width or 1/ncharts * 0.9 # the width of the bars inds = [] for idx in range(ncharts): if idx>0: ind = ind + width inds.append(ind) inds = np.column_stack(inds) ticks = np.mean(inds, axis=1) for idx in range(ncharts): _kwargs =kwargs.copy() _kwargs['label'] = _kwargs.get('label', idx) vals, labels, bar_labels, color = preprocess(values[:, idx], labels, bar_labels, sort, max_bars, colors[idx]) bar_on_axes(ax[0], orient, ax_kws, inds[:, idx], vals, width, ticks, labels, color, bar_labels, rotation, errors, bar_label_kws, _kwargs) else: for idx in range(naxes): axes = ax[idx] data = values[:, idx] data, labels, bar_labels, color = preprocess(data, labels, bar_labels, sort, max_bars, colors[idx]) _kwargs = kwargs.copy() _kwargs['label'] = _kwargs.get('label', idx) ind = np.arange(len(data)) bar_on_axes(axes, orient, ax_kws, ind, data, width, ind, labels, color, bar_labels, rotation, errors, bar_label_kws=bar_label_kws, kwargs=_kwargs) if show: if len(ax) == 1: ax = ax[0] return ax
def maybe_create_axes(ax, naxes:int, figsize=None)->List[plt.Axes]: if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if naxes>1: f, ax = create_subplots(ax=ax, naxes=naxes, figsize=figsize) ax = ax.flatten() else: if figsize: ax.figure.set_size_inches(figsize) ax = [ax] elif naxes>1: f, ax = create_subplots(ax=ax, naxes=naxes, figsize=figsize) ax = ax.flatten() else: if figsize: ax.figure.set_size_inches(figsize) ax = [ax] return ax def handle_sort(sort, values, labels, bar_labels, color): if sort: sort_idx = np.argsort(values) values = values[sort_idx] labels = np.array(labels)[sort_idx] if bar_labels is not None: bar_labels = np.array(bar_labels) bar_labels = bar_labels[sort_idx] if isinstance(color, (list, np.ndarray, tuple)): if is_rgb(color[0]) or isinstance(color[0], str): color = np.array(color)[sort_idx] return values, labels, bar_labels, color def handle_maxbars(max_bars, values, labels): if max_bars: n = len(values) - max_bars last_val = sum(values[0:-max_bars]) values = values[-max_bars:] labels = labels[-max_bars:] values = np.append(last_val, values) labels = np.append(f"Rest of {n}", labels) return values, labels def preprocess(data, labels, bar_labels, sort, max_bars, colors): if labels is None: labels = [f"F{i}" for i in range(len(data))] data, labels, bar_labels, colors = handle_sort(sort, data, labels, bar_labels, colors) data, labels = handle_maxbars(max_bars, data, labels) return data, labels, bar_labels, colors def bar_on_axes(ax, orient, ax_kws, *args, **kwargs): if orient in ['h', 'horizontal']: horizontal_bar(ax, *args, **kwargs) else: vertical_bar(ax, *args, **kwargs) if ax_kws: process_axes(ax, **ax_kws) return def horizontal_bar(ax, ind, values, width, ticks, labels, color, bar_labels, rotation, errors, bar_label_kws, kwargs): # Matplotlib version 3.8.0 gives error ('int' object has no attribute 'startswith') # if label is an integer if isinstance(kwargs.get('label', None), int) and matplotlib.__version__>'3.7': kwargs['label'] = str(kwargs['label']) if width: bar = ax.barh(ind, values, width, color=color, **kwargs) else: bar = ax.barh(ind, values, color=color, **kwargs) ax.set_yticks(ticks) ax.set_yticklabels(labels, rotation=rotation) set_bar_labels(bar, ax, bar_labels, bar_label_kws, errors, values, ind) if 'label' in kwargs: ax.legend() return def vertical_bar(ax, ind, values, width, ticks, labels, color, bar_labels, rotation, errors, bar_label_kws, kwargs): bar =, values, width=width or 0.8, color=color, **kwargs) ax.set_xticks(ticks) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=rotation) set_bar_labels(bar, ax, bar_labels, bar_label_kws, errors, ind, values) return def set_bar_labels(bar, ax, bar_labels, bar_label_kws, errors, values, ind): if bar_labels is not None: bar_label_kws = bar_label_kws or {'label_type': 'center'} if hasattr(ax, 'bar_label'): ax.bar_label(bar, labels=bar_labels, **bar_label_kws) else: bar.set_label(bar_labels) if errors is not None: ax.errorbar(values, ind, xerr=errors, fmt=".", color="black") return def is_1d(array): if isinstance(array, (KeysView, ValuesView)): array = np.array(list(array)) else: array = np.array(array) if len(array)==array.size: return True return False def get_color(cmap, color, ncharts, data)->list: data = np.reshape(data, (len(data), -1)) if not isinstance(cmap, list): cmap = [cmap for _ in range(ncharts)] if not isinstance(color, list): color = [color for _ in range(ncharts)] elif ncharts == 1: # the user has specified separate color for each bar # in next for loop we don't want to get just firs color from the list color = [color] colors = [] for idx in range(ncharts): _cmap = cmap[idx] or random.choice(BAR_CMAPS) cm, _ = map_array_to_cmap(data[:, idx], _cmap) clr = color[idx] if color[idx] is not None else cm colors.append(clr) return colors